
Pop Gummies -Six Pack

gummy bear painting, original still life by Jeanne Vadeboncoeur

This is the finished series of the Pop Gummies, naturally there are six of them. They are (clockwise starting at top left): Hawaiian Punch, Crush (Orange and Lime), Strawberry Fizz, Cherry-Lemonade, Cherry Cola, and Ginger Ale. Seeing them all together, I can't help but notice what a forlorn collection of gummies they are. I guess Cherry Cola's melancholy is understandable as it is the only one that has not found a home.


Blue Plate Special

Blue Plate Special was done for a Visual Aid art auction. Visual Aid is a San Francisco based charity that helps artists with life-threatening illnesses to continue to create their work. The Theme of the auction was "Big Blue Deal" and while I considered doing a big blue gummy...I went that traditionalists route and stuck to the gummy's "natural" colors.